Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Calling all sources!

Are you a Todd expert? Do you know someone who knew Thelma? Are you related to her or know someone else in her family? Perhaps you have long-lost photos in your attic or letters in your bureau..... Whatever link you have to Thelma Todd, I want to hear from you! This project will be nothing without the input and support of fans and friends alike, so if you know anything that you think will be important to my work as a biographer, please get in touch.

Thank you!!

Roland West and Chester Morris

I am currently looking for any friends and relatives of director Roland West and actor Chester Morris. Both are extremely important characters in the story of Thelma Todd, but alas no longer with us. If anyone has any information on their relatives or friends, I would love to hear from you. Thanks.

Please email me at

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

FaceBook link

This link should take you directly to the FaceBook page as detailed below.

Monday, 10 May 2010

FaceBook Group

I have recently created a page dedicated to my work as a biographer and author. Please feel free to join and invite anyone else you think may be interested.

It is called The Official Michelle Morgan Author Page and is available on Facebook. The page will feature news about the Thelma Todd project and my writing career in general. You can also keep in touch with me through the page too.

Hope to see you there!